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The "Beauty" and The "Beast"

How to Define beauty in different field?

Do you think the photo that shows above can be consider a beautiful photo? Now you may wonder this is just a simple photo that shows people are play on the beach and the background is the sunset. But for me I can read the passionate that these people shows though the photo and the are socialize because the game that they play require two or more people to play. The shade and shadow that reflect on the sand it make look like cloud, and in the back of the photo the mountain head is make me think a boy and girl that set close to each other even is does not look like a person. And the most interest part of this photo is clear divide into half. The left side of photo is sunny and freedom, but the right side it is cloudy and more density. So that why I think this is a beautiful photo because is shows not a deliberate life and beauty, the beauty of nature.

Is beauty of person or the beauty is the thing?

In the video Killing Us Softly 4, the model become an object to sale along with the product or we can say that the advertising industry is use model as a mere mean to catch audience's eye so they can have better selling for their product. In this video I have a new definition about what is "mere mean" means which is the model may or may not be a real person, it could be a combination look from serval other people's facial organs. And also, the most impress and also is the most dehumanized one is there a video clip of Heineken's commercial shows a woman is become a robot and in the end it turns into a bottle of bear (Kilbourne 00:9:53-10:15). In the commercial, the woman is a beautiful person but with the horrifying CGR, it is make me think this is not a person anymore. If I can ignore the woman, the I think it is a beauty thing to look at because it is just a robot that try to serve the beer so every one can have a taste and enjoy. But the problem is I do not want to know what a woman taste like or if I really want I can just lick my figure and I might taste the Hot Cheetos.

Lastly let's talk about the Disney Films. Is this a wonderful and beautiful picture that shows "true love"? Yes, Snow White seems so happy because she finally find the man that able to protect her from hurting, and you also can see how joyful she is when her prince is lift her up. However, I want to ask Snow White a question that "Do you must need a prince to protect then you can have a wonderful life or to find a man is your whole life goal?" This kind of thinking actually is the basic plot that shows in the early Disney films and just as what Kaitlin Ebersol(2014) said that "a beautiful woman suffers because of circumstances out of her control and ultimately finds salvation in the love of a powerful man.” I think in Snow White film the most happy moment that Snow White has is the time she met the princes.

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1 Comment

Tayven Auron Taylor
Tayven Auron Taylor
Jan 31, 2021

Hi Yun, I remember seeing your 6 words about me presentation! I really like your paragraph about killing us softly 4. I think that you write passionately about the beauty of nature. I like the pictures that you used for your blog post, it helps add to your paragraphs.

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