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This is a Podcast reflection page. I am the scriptwriter for this Podcast about Disney's superhero films. The process of creating the Podcast is new to me and especially to be the scriptwriter for the podcast is a challenge since I need to imagine what other speakers will say and refer to their podcast outline. However, I enjoy the progress that our group made for the podcast. The progress toward the course objective is to make reflections about how is the Disney superhero films represent the social gender norms. The main goal of being the podcast scriptwriter is to connect each speaker's ideas into the podcast for sense-making. So while I am working on the script I also learn from them about how they think about the podcast topic that we are presenting. 


Write a podcast script is tough for me I feel writing a script is similar to writing a lesson plan for my Education courses. The term I did need to learn is the organization and the transitions. The skill that I need to practice is the speaking part. So that why I use the different color text to show which part that we need to discuss during the zoom meeting.


The meeting discussions are super helpful for the scriptwriting process because they are giving the ideas that should be covered in the script. This image shows what we have talked about during our first Zoom meeting and this gives us a direction about the podcast. 


The assignment that I feel is super helpful is the outline especially for me because this shows the segments that each speaker going to cover, so from here I am able to know how to organize the script and connect each of them.  We have a total of two meetings to prepare the podcast. But since the zoom meeting has time restrictions so we have another two meetings to complete the podcast. 





While the podcast editor is editing the recorded video we have problem of the time limit. So we need to delete the Pepper Potts relationship and the last question for Black Widow.


This is my scrip for the podcast but the true thing is I did not speak every words that shows on the script because while is my turn to speak I was speaking the important part of the script. This image shows the Black Widow segment.


The three segments that we are talked in the podcast are Black Widow, Iron-Man, and comparison and contract. Each of us covered at least one element of the segment except the podcast editor.


For out Microsite I did my Bio and create the fake content bar to make is more realistic and obviously all the information on it are fake.

Looking Ahead

The mistake that I made in writing the script is starting to write without the outline information from my group member so I basically writing without knowing the detail of what they going to say about their part of the segments since the time I start to write the script is before I start to write my own outline so I did not have the chance to see what my group member's outline. The other mistake I made during the recording is read the wrong part of the script so I accidentally speak the other's line, and this causes us to need to start over. 

The most important skills that I learning during the process of pre-production and production are communication and teamwork. Without them, I can not finish up the script and accept my mistake during the recording time. Communication is essential during the discussion on the zoom meeting, and it helps me to figure out the part that should be included in the script. The podcast is all about teamwork because it is hard to do these works individually and also it is a podcast. 


There are two things that I learned from the progress of making the podcast which is get a deeper understanding of the course objective and get a basic skill of writing a script.  While I am writing the outline for the script and organize them together, I am able to compare the difference between my idea and other's ideas towards the same segment. It is more clear during the podcast and we are able to share our own thought of each other's idea. 

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