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A reflection of the course objectives that I have done for this course to build up the understanding of the social construction and answering the course question about how are Disney films shows social construction in the gender norms. 

At the beginning of this course, I have no idea what is social construction so with the first assignment I describe the social construction is to construct and polished society. At this point, I have no idea how is social construction can be connecting to Disney films.  But while I am annotating the different films that assigned, the process of taking notes and reading script lines is making me pay more attention to these films than other times. So look back to the first discussion assignment I disconnect from the course objective and talks it widely bout the social construction that based on the social differences relationships even make a connection to Aristotle's Politics. 



Planning and Exploratory Writing

The first source that we are annotating for this course is the Killing Us Softy_4 video by Jean Kilbourne.  At this point, I am confused about what are we focusing on for this course, is femenism? Since the video that we are watching that all about how society treats females unfairly and unequally than males. A similar reaction for the first Disney film annotating about Beauty and Beast in live-action and Star Wars films that both are talking about that women can be strong that no need other men which somehow make the male characters show weaker and not that catch eyes. But one thing that I do understand is along with these two assignments I feel is by using the female point of view to start the conversation about how the Disney films show the social gender norms.

In the Killing Us Softy_4 annotation, I am more focusing on what Jean Kilbourne is taking in the video than less pay attention what is the purpose of the video towards the course objective. As the picture shows that I did not talk any about the social construction that shows in the video that Kilbourne tries to show. Since at that time I misunderstanding the purpose and forgot the topic that I should focus on while I am watching the video. 


Screenshot 2021-03-09 214030.png

For the last Disney film annotating I am more developed for focusing on the social gender norms that Disney tries to show to their audience. For the Disney superhero film annotating I did with Avengers: Endgame and this is the one that helps to decide which genre that I want to focus on for my essay. Unlike the fairy tale and Star Wars, the superhero films are more balanced that no only focused on talking about one character which means in MCU each character has their unique design and purpose. So that why at the end of the annotating for the villain I am actually at Thanos views of his problem and why he is doing it. So from the following passage from the Week 5 discussion, I can tell the different views on the social gender norms that this course tries to shows and the why that Disney builds up with. 



Peer View

For the peer views of these weekly discussions, I found out the most helpful comment that I received from my colleagues in the body paragraph discussion. It shows me which part that I need to make improvement for it and which part that I did well in developing my paragraph. The advice that my colleagues give to me is to give me a clear vision about what I did wrong with my essay so I am not blind for revision my essay. In other words, it is the guiding towards writing my essay. 



For the best comment that I gave to my college is for the Outline and Thesis discussion. The reason that I choose it because this is the best advice that I can give to my colleague about the thesis that they come out for their essay. Since I know this is the foundation of their essay, so I paying much more attention than other assignments, so when the foundation is strong then the essays will also be strong. 



When I was self-viewing my full length essay I realize that there many problem that need to be fix for my revision


The first problem that I realize is important is the organization is not fit for my introduction. 


One mistake that I made is I forget to introduce the author, so in my revision I should talk about the author and why I choose this as my source for my essay. 



When I realize I overwrite my essay for the maximum word length, I figure out this way to short my words length without delate my work. 


This is the outline and draft thesis I have for my essay, but this is on a separate doc so I am not able to show the changes that I made for my essay. However, one thing that I am able to show is my changes for my thesis. I end up revision the entire thesis for my essay because I feel is unclear for my reader and too wide focused. 

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