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How a STEM student does in a Writing Course?

Updated: Jan 10, 2021

Do I like writing?

The process of writing just as the houses shows in photo that they are all faced in different direction and I do not which direction I should follow that can on the right track. After took math upper division classes I notice that there are some common between writing and math proving. They both related logical writing that require the author has the right logical think for the proving process and the reader should understand what the author try to proof. The most important thing is writing and math proving need inspiration to finish the writing process. So when I have inspiration I enjoy writing but without any inspiration I do not know how to write.

How to make gain up interest on writing process?

Choose the interest topic to write then the inspiration will never end even with an boring topic but if we can find any interest point to write about then there will not be a problem to write.

The first writing assignment in this course is "Your In Six Word" that introduce myself in six words. It is hard for me to choose only six words to describe what kind person am I because they are so many word that can describe myself. The words that I have not include in the presentation family, food, travel, work, and social. The reason I choose these six words in the presentation because I want to show my reader what I am interest since I believe to know a person the first thing need to know is what are the interest.

How to find the interest part of writing?

The first discussion is require us to watch a YouTube video clip and write about social construction in our own understanding then connect to Disney films. This discussion is require to write three paragraph and each paragraph has it own requirement. I personal feel I did not enjoy writing the first paragraph, the second paragraph feels ok, and I enjoy to write the last paragraph because I finally can talk about Disney films. So as you can see I do not like writing about the definition of one thing because it is boring to write and usually is hard for me to reconsider the meaning behind the definition especially with a unfamiliarly thing. For this discussion I already start to do a research on what is social construction and how is important for the society. But the good thing is after the researches I understand what is social construction and how it can be connect to Disney films.

How do I feel about writing?

I think I more likely be a communicator than writer because my weakness of writing is grammar. I like to communicate with other but if require me to write about the communication then I am horrible on writing the process. The area that I excel in is write with think which means I write done everything what I have think then organize it. So when I have problem with writing that means I need to reorganize my ideas so my brain will be clear.

I do not do a good job on the Language and Grammar Diagnostic at Connect because there are some question that I do not understand what is asking. The kind of problem such as punctuations and commas that surprised me because I kind ignore there problem in my writing. After looking though the problem, I found out is half and half of every type of problem.

Syllabus is a place to look overall information about this course. It is included the information about the course requirement, polices, context information, and grading. The course objective is focus on how the Disney film can be connect to the social construction especially the gender and how is the films apply to role of gender that played in the social construction. The grade contract is grade based on the completion of requirements, portfolio assemble, recognizable style, voice, and tone, and how developed of claims, evidence using, and the way of analysis texts.

How many Disney films I ever watched?

To be honest I did not watch many Disney films. Marvel is the only Disney films that I ever watched, and I only heard about all other princess films.

I have a boring childhood that without Disney princess movies. In 2008 I watched the first Disney movie: Iron Man. To think back I feel so lucky that my cousin like Iron Man(comic) and at that time he is person who take care of me, so I have chance to watch Iron Man movie. After watching the movie, I am so into the Marvel universal so I read every Marvel comic book that my cousin owned and wish one day I also have a marvel(Iron Man) collection shelf as my cousin has.

Thank you

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Chengheng Lyu
Chengheng Lyu
Jan 20, 2021

Hi, I like your post. I think it's interesitng for the method that help you get interested in writing. Get interested in something make us more good at it.


Yi Jiang
Yi Jiang
Jan 18, 2021

Hi Yun,

I agree with your though on how to get interested in writing, I think it is very important to be interested in the things that you do, I also haven't much Disney movie, but I watched marvel even though it was not originally created by Disney.


Jenny Kim
Jenny Kim
Jan 17, 2021

Hi Yun,

I thought the connection you made with math and writing was very interesting. I especially like how you wrote, both require logical reasoning. I thought your blog was well organized and had clear sentences.


Jan 14, 2021

Advanced mathematics class is a very powerful thing in my opinion. People who study mathematics have strong logic skills. To be honest, your article is very structured and logical.

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