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Habits in Mind: What changed us?

In this blog, we are going to discuss the eight habits defined by the group of professors from across the US as being the most important habits to student success which are curiosity, openness, engagement, creativity, persistence, flexibility, responsibility, and metacognition(reflection).

Just read these eight habits I personally think metacognition is the most important one because in all the education courses that I toke we are constantly talking about thinking about your thinking which is metacognition. To reflect on your old idea then you eventually will get a new idea from the old version.


In week 2 we are watching the Killing Us Softly video I know the dark side of the advertising industry and make me pay attention to the advertising so I can know what is the ads actually talks about not traped by the poster or the video. Also in week 3, an article talking about What is Toxic Masculinity introduces a new phrase for me to understand. So each week I learned new things that I never look by myself.


Every week we will be read or watch something about gender roles and values and annotating them. As so far as the class goes, the most impressive one is the advertising one because it is open the other side view about the ads that I never pay attention to or I never care about what the ads said. So it is openness.


Each week's class discussion and viewing other's websites allow me to learn and invest what my classmate thinking about the same assignment. One thing I learned from my classmate is how to design the website, I mean they did not actually teach me but by review their website layout I learned how to layout my website to make it look better than the original one.


I think the biggest creativity we have done in this class is to create our own portfolio website. We have to search online how to become a web designer so we can make our website look good. Learn from other's design and upgrade or recreate it.


The long-term project for this class would be the website portfolio because it takes almost three months to finish up this portfolio. Every week we need to create a new blog and write about the things that happen in the week. The short-term project will be the discussions is talk about the same thing but it only requires a short amount of time to finish it.


At the beginning of the course, I am struggling with the number of works that I need to be done in a week, now I am able to manage my time so I can finish the weekly assignment on time. To be honest, each week there are too many words that need to be done, and they all due on the same day which is causes me to all my work on the due day. Writing course is one of the classes that require me to do time management and be flexible along with other classes.


It is my responsibility to finish all the assignments before the due day so I won't get into trouble, and the professor can grade my work on time. And also is my responsibility to respond to my classmate's discussion so I can learn from them to improve my skill in the writing course.


Thinking of your Thinking. As I said at the beginning of the blog, I personally think this is the most important habit out of the eight habits. To write a weekly blog on our portfolio website is our reflection of this week. While we are writing the blog, we are thinking back on what we are done for this week, and think what we should improve.

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Yi Jiang
Yi Jiang
Feb 01, 2021

Hi Yun,

Your reflection on your openness really got me thinking, before this class I was just like you, we never thought of things outside the standard perspective, I agree with you that we should see things with a more open mid, so we could have a better understanding of this society and world.


Ruihan Wang
Ruihan Wang
Jan 31, 2021

Hi Yun!

I totally agree with your point about engagement. I can always find a new layout design or new color scheme that I have never thought about. Every week's Extra Credit assignment about reading six blogs is the most useful for learnng new things.


Jan 31, 2021

Hi Yun! I like your idea about how creating blogs can improve the creativity and engagement. Looking at other students' thoughts on the same assignment can help broaden my thinking. In addition, many students' thoughts on the word engagement are how movies and assignments helped them. You are the first one I saw to write about WIX design.

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